Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Year of Living Dangerously

You've heard of the year of living dangerously? The year of magical thinking? Well, this isn't exactly that.

You've heard of listening to prozac? Talking back to prozac? Well, this isn't that either.

This is listening to every album Willie Nelson is even remotely associated with in one year. According to Joe Nick Patoski, the author of Willie Nelson: An Epic Life, there are over 300 albums with Willie's name on them. So listening to one disc per day, I should be able to get through his entire oeuvre in 2010. That is, if I can get my hands on each of these albums. I have 30 or so already, so that should get me through January.

Okay, so it isn't much of a New Year's resolution. It isn't running a marathon a day, or cooking every recipe in the Joy of Cooking, or having Sex Every Day in Every Way (yes, this is the title of a real book), but hey. You try it.

As Charles Ives once said, "Why can't you stand up before fine strong music like this and use your ears like a man?" So let's man up in 2010 and see what Willie has to say, every day in every way. Cheers!

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